

The school adopts the following procedures:

Term 1

Parent/Teacher conferences in the first half of the term. In addition, the school utilises the SeeSaw app to share regular updates on student learning.

Term 2  

First written report sent home sharing progress and next steps along with the child's Individual Work Portfolio. Followed by a Parent/Teacher conference

Regular updates on student learning via the SeeSaw app.

Term 3   

Individual contact where necessary.

Regular updates on student learning via the SeeSaw app.

Term 4   

Second written report sharing progress and next steps along with classification and class placement for the following year.

Regular updates on student learning via the SeeSaw app.

Opportunity is provided, and encouraged, for both parties to meet should either require. The above times are set aside for formal reporting but parents should realise that they are welcome to visit at any time during the year if they have any queries over schooling. Often an early meeting can rectify areas of concern and iron out misunderstandings. The procedure for addressing concerns is to contact your child's class teacher in the first instance, then if necessary, the Syndicate Leader, then the Principal.

A copy of a report can be posted to a parent (not living at the family home) if they provide their address to the School Office.



School Newsletters - Fortnightly newsletters, which contain information on school activities including curriculum development, staff changes and general news of happenings within the school, are made available to families by email. Please ensure that we have your current email address so that you receive your newsletter.  Families without email addresses will receive a paper copy of the newsletter and spare paper copies are held at the School Office.

A parent (not living in the family home) can be emailed the newsletters too by providing the office with their email address or a supply of stamped, self addressed envelopes.

Copies of past newsletters can be seen here.

Syndicate Newsletters - each term Syndicates publish a newsletter which outlines the terms programme and how parents can become involved in their child's education.



Regularly inform parents through a section in the school newsletter. Minutes are available at the school office.



Regularly keep families informed of their activities and projects.